Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to Burn Data CDs and DVDs with Windows 7 burner


Windows 7 makes it easy to burn CDs and DVDs, which can be a good way to store certain files. Here's a look at what you'll need to do to burn data CDs and DVDs in Windows 7.

1. Insert the Disc. Windows Vista \ Windows 7 will display a prompt. This lists everything that you could potentially do to the disc you've inserted, including using any programs installed on Windows 7 that might utilize blank CDs or DVDs. Select "Burn Files To Disc" if you want to put files on a disc for back up or to view on your computer. Use the "Burn Audio CD" option for CD-R and CD-RWs that you want to use for music. This takes you to Windows Media Player, whether the process to burn a CD is simple, so for the purposes of this tutorial we'll assume that you're trying to burn a data CD or DVD.

2. Enter a Disc Title. It can be anything you'd like. It's a good idea to name your burned CDs and DVDs in Windows 7, as it makes them easier to recognize and organize.

3. Select either the "Like a USB Flash Drive" or "With a CD/DVD Player" option. These take a little bit of explaining. The CD/DVD option creates a mastered disc. If your DVD or CD is not rewritable, once it's written, information can never be deleted, so space is taken up on the optical layer of the disc. However, mastered discs work more universally, so the "With a CD/DVD Player" option is usually better if you're creating some form of backup, or anything like that. The "Like a USB Flash Drive" option uses a program of Windows 7 called the Live System. This lets you drag and drop files and folders onto a CD or DVD--as you've probably figured out, in the same way you'd drag and drop files onto a USB flash drive. It's up to you which option will work better for your purposes.

4. For the CD/DVD Player Option: Find the files you want to burn to the CD or DVD. Drag them onto the empty disc folder that has opened. When you're done, you simply need to select "burn to disc" on the Windows 7 toolbar.

5. For the Like a USB Flash Drive Option: Do the same, except you can select "close session" or "eject" when you've got the files prepared to be burned. This closes out a session. You can store multiple sessions on some CDs and DVDs, but not in excess of the storage capacity of the media, and you'll have to close the session before you view, copy, or use any files.

That's it! You now know how to burn data CDs and DVDs with Windows 7. If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to post in the comments section below.

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